Are Article Titles Italicized? A Quick Guide

Alright, let’s clear this up once and for all. Are article titles italicized? Short answer: usually not.

This might surprise you. You see book titles in italics all the time, right? So, it’s easy to think article titles follow the same rule. Nope.

Here’s the deal. Think of it like this: a book is a standalone work. An article is part of something bigger – a magazine, a newspaper, a website. So, we treat them differently.

How Do You Format Article Titles?

Generally, you use quotation marks for article titles. That’s the standard style guide rule.

For example:

  • I read a great article called “The Future of Work”
  • Did you see that piece on “The Best Cities for Foodies”?

Pretty simple, right?

Exceptions to the Rule

Okay, there are a few exceptions. Sometimes, you might see article titles in italics. It depends on the style guide you’re following.

For instance, the Chicago Manual of Style leans towards italics for longer articles, like those found in academic journals. But again, this is more of an exception than a rule.

When to Use Italics for Titles

Are Article Titles italicized

So, when do you actually use italics for titles?

  • Book titles: Always italicize book titles.
  • Movie titles: Same goes for movies.
  • Play titles: Yep, italics for plays too.
  • TV show titles: Another one for the italics category.
  • Album titles: You got it – italics.
  • Newspaper and magazine titles: These usually go in italics too.

Why Does This Matter?

You might be wondering why this matters. Well, it’s all about consistency and professionalism. When you format your writing correctly, it shows that you pay attention to detail and that you know your stuff.

Plus, it makes your writing easier to read. People can quickly tell what’s a title and what’s not.


So, there you have it. Article titles generally go in quotation marks, while other types of titles usually go in italics. It’s a simple rule to remember, but it can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of your writing.  

Now you know. Go forth and format with confidence!

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