Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 03.04.2024


This Privacy Policy describes how the website located at (the “Website”) collects, uses, and discloses your information. Please note: We strongly advise against using this website, as the domain name closely resembles the legitimate Microsoft website for installing Office ( Using this website could be a security risk.

Information We Collect

We are unable to determine exactly what information this website collects, as it appears to be unrelated to Microsoft and potentially illegitimate. For your safety, we recommend not using this website.

How We Use Your Information (According to Best Practices)

Legitimate websites should clearly outline data usage. Since the purpose of this website is unclear, we cannot determine how it might use your information. However, a responsible website would only use your information for purposes directly related to its function.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies (According to Best Practices)

Legitimate websites should disclose any cookie or tracking technology usage. There is no way to know for certain if this website uses such technologies. However, responsible websites would obtain user consent before using cookies and allow users to manage their cookie preferences.

Sharing Your Information (According to Best Practices)

Legitimate websites should be transparent about data sharing. There is no way to know with this website if it shares your information with third parties. Responsible websites would only share data with trusted partners and with user consent.

Data Security (According to Best Practices)

Legitimate websites should prioritize data security. There is no way to know what security measures this website employs. Responsible websites would take reasonable steps to protect user information from unauthorized access.

Your Choices (According to Best Practices)

Important Note: Given the website’s suspicious nature, we cannot guarantee these options would be available.

A responsible website would allow users choices regarding their information, such as:

  • Opting out of marketing communications.
  • Requesting access or deletion of personal information.

Children’s Privacy

We cannot confirm if this website has a children’s privacy policy. Responsible websites comply with laws protecting children’s privacy and avoid collecting data from minors.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

There is no way to know how this website would handle changes to its privacy policy. Responsible websites would notify users of any updates.